I am just beginning my investigation into the resources that are available to new writers and am happy to have found a Canadian Association which, so far, seems friendly and welcoming. I have joined Crime Writers of Canada and can’t help smiling as it sounds official! As I haven’t published a book yet I joined as an Associate Member and save a bit of money until I do. My name was added to their website and I could add a bio.
Readers can browse the site and see the variety of writers, styles, crimes, settings and book covers offered. It is a practical service which promotes these books to bookstores and interested readers. There are author event notifications as well as a newsletter. I was in Chapters recently and started recognizing some of the Canadian authors on the shelves! Had no idea some of them were so well known internationally.
So far I have already been invited to attend several events. The holiday one in the pub sounds fun but Toronto is a bit too far to drive to. In January some authors will have the chance to have their books presented to librarians.
Writers who, in 2015, published “light mystery” books, meaning those with minimal gore, could try to win The Bony Blithe Award and receive a thousand dollars. Others can vie for the Arthur Ellis Awards and there’s even the possibility to win something if you have not yet published a book. I am looking forward to learning more about Canadian crime books and becoming a Professional Author Member!