in 2021 Western democracies responded identically to a pandemic by listening to the World Health Organization. Health authorities were told that a new type of vaccine was the only answer to a virus and politicians trusted this. There was a rush to create vaccines and the usual lengthy research trials were not completed before the vaccines were given to the population. Media was told that the response had to be coordinated and dissent was seen as disinformation.
Doctors, such as Dr. Charles Hoffe in British Columbia, were censored if they questioned the safety of the vaccines when some patients had adverse reactions. The fear of the virus spreading led to government mandated lockdowns and challenges for citizens and closure of businesses. Infected corona virus patients were told to stay home until they got really ill and then hospitals struggled to help them.
Early therapeutic interventions were not offered by the World Health Organization nor by local government health authorities. Doctors who tried to do so were actively dissuaded. The population was told to ‘trust the science’ but few asked who defined and interpreted the science. Science traditionally was open to debate but now it was to be explained by ‘experts’ who we were not to question. If anyone questioned the prevailing narrative they were told they were contributing to “vaccine hesitancy”.
When people expressed concern that the vaccine ingredients might cause them harm they were told they could discuss this with their doctor. It became increasingly difficult and then seemingly impossible for a doctor to grant a patient a medical exemption even when medical staff agreed harm was likely. People with clearly identified allergies to the vaccine ingredients were denied exemptions. People with serious reactions to the first dose were told to ignore this and have their second dose. Risk analysis was not done for them. Individuals lost the right to personal health for the sake of “public” health.
Medical and religious exemptions were scorned. Australia, Canada and the United States, supposed bastions of freedom, threw their own people under the bus. Citizens in democracies were told to get the vaccine or lose their job. There was no concern for their individual health. Nurses, who had treated covid patients heroically but were concerned they would have a personal reaction to the vaccine, were terminated. People lost the ability to earn their living and were told they could not access Employment Insurance either.
Getting the vaccine irregardless of your health was the official solution to a potential job loss. The Vancouver Sun, December 13, 2021, reported Melanie Bitner nearly died after her first shot in April due to multiple blood clots, known as vaccine induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia. She has not yet been able to get an exemption for her second shot despite attempts by her hematologist. Without the second shot she is subject to the vaccine mandate and has lost job income and attendance at family and school events. This defies logic.
Children are now being told to take the vaccine. People who are pregnant are told to take the vaccine. The authorities are not discussing the long term effects or even the immediate response to this vaccine by so many developing bodies and everyone is told the vaccine is ‘safe’.
Sadly those who participated in the early Pfizer trials also had serious reactions and children like Maddie de Garay suffered terribly. Her mother had enrolled her hoping to assist in the fight against covid but there was little help after she unexpectedly became seriously ill in the trial. In our previous vaccine history there have always been people whose bodies differed in responses. Patients have traditionally been informed of the risks and benefits of treatment but now this is no longer offered. Doctors, like Dr. Francis Christian in Saskatchewan, who had always operated with the belief that informed consent in medicine is crucial, lost his job.
Those who did not want to take the vaccine were soon labelled as ‘selfish’ and the term the ‘pandemic of the unvaccinated’ became a phrase government leaders like Biden and Trudeau used in the media. People who hadn’t had the virus nor the vaccine were told to stay away from vaccinated family members.
People who were healthy were told they could not access businesses or facilities if they did not have a vaccine passport. It did not matter why they did not have one. Seniors and those without cell phones or internet access, disabled citizen, and those with health concerns are barred in Western democracies from various locations. Increasing pressure like this is seen as likely increasing vaccine compliance.
Scientists, doctors and researchers who disagreed with the World Health Organization and their own government’s health authorities were silenced and threatened with loss of hospital privileges, job termination, and ridicule by colleagues. Respectable scientific journals refused to publish their studies. Facebook and Twitter began censoring or banning them. Yet some of these people, like Dr. Robert Malone, had been the top authorities in their field. Questioning the narrative became dangerous and open discussion about alternatives was censored.
Pharmacies were pressured not to fill a doctor’s prescription. Monoclonal antibodies sat on hospital shelves rather than being administered. A media campaign to slander ivermectin portrayed it only as a dangerous horse dewormer and hospitals refused to let even dying patients access some hope. Clearly the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh did well in covid statistics when the government was allowed to distribute kits with ivermectin and therapeutics to households. These kits cost little. Western democracies only offered a vaccine.
It has been reported that pharmaceutical companies like Pfizer are not liable for damage caused by vaccines. Governments in Western democracies have said they would have a compensation program available. How many Canadians are aware of this, have accessed it and received a response? There is little on the nightly news about these concerns. Pharmaceutical companies have done extremely well financially as Western democracies rushed to purchase doses. Increasingly the public is demanding boosters for new variants in their fear of illness. Long term research of extended vaccine doses on the immune system has not been done.
Questions remain.
Does the mRNA spike protein in the current vaccine affect the blood or organs? How long does it stay in the body? Is having vaccine induced myocarditis now going to affect youth later in life? Does it affect reproductive organs at all? Why are some women experiencing menstrual cycle irregularities? Why are health authorities not discussing citizen concerns? Why are the voices of those negatively impacted by the vaccine stifled?
Where is the information on non genetic vaccines? Does the Medicago plant vaccine cause less reactions? Is it a more adaptable candidate against new virus mutations? Why does the mainstream press not ask these obvious questions and encourage independent thought? Is government Legacy Media funding inhibiting investigative reporting? Does the interconnectedness of directors of pharma companies, WHO, FDA, CDC and Trusted Media companies and U.N. organizations create a coordinated response all have to follow without dissent?
Citizen in European countries and Australia have had massive rallies against vaccine mandates.This has barely been seen on our evening CBC news. Citizen in many democracies have been used to freedom and find being forced to take new substances problematic. increasingly we are seeing countries threaten citizen with further restrictions, quarantine camps, job and pension income loss and fines if they do not comply. These are new measures not normally associated with democracies. Freedom is easy to erode with threats of financial loss. Sadly societal trust is being undermined and divisions between fellow citizen are being fermented by politicians in the name of health. It is easier to blame the ‘unvaccinated’ for a continuing virus than to investigate medical options and increase the number of hospital beds and spots in nursing schools.
In a functioning democracy there are branches of society able to analyze and discuss concerns and improvements. A free press can send an investigative reporter to see what issues citizens are facing and ask others to respond. Members of the public can band together and anyone can call their elected representative for assistance. Members of parliament might start a petition on an issue to send to the governing party for discussion. People can call their local police detachment with public safety concerns. A lawyer can defend you. A little digging and you can find an agency site listing where to lodge complaints and what regulatory bodies can be contacted. None of it is perfect but it gives one avenues to pursue and hope that change is possible when people care.
When you do not allow medical exemptions or free debate you weaken democracy. When medical specialists say someone will react badly to a vaccine but are overruled by mandates then individual health is ignored. You must obey. Truth is silenced. Your personal health is not a priority. Individuals are no longer valued in these semi democracies unless they comply.
In Canada we are seeing more division and sadly, less effective opposition by our elected representatives. The Liberal government is eager to expand its euthanasia program and is currently studying how those with mental health issues can access it. Next it will be expanded to include mature minors as we cannot be seen to discriminate. We are being pushed to devalue human life and trust in authority. Canadians are also promised a bill in 2022 to deal with hate speech. Will dissent be labelled as such and will vaccine discussion qualify as hate speech if it deviates from the norm?
As citizens increasingly are pushed to comply and lose their freedom of choice they will be more likely to accept a powerful authority that will unite us all globally. We will be one.
Reality in life and politics is important. Truth is worth guarding.